Let's meet online on Grüne Woche Business Days 2024

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At the invitation of the Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg, we are participating in the international partnering event Grüne Woche Business Days 2024, which will take place at Messe Berlin in Germany and online.

We warmly invite you to meet us online during Grüne Woche and the Global Forum on Food and Agriculture (GFFA). We will be available on the networking platform on 16, 29 and 30 January 2024.

Our area of interest is digitisation and automation in food production and agriculture. We are looking for new markets for ELETOR company for our currently manufactured control and measurement equipment for livestock farmers, as well as looking for new growth opportunities in research and development projects for the agricultural industry.

For more information about the project and a link to register for the exchange, visit the organiser’s website at https://gruenewoche2024.b2match.io/.

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We warmly invite you to meet me online during Grüne Woche and the Global Forum on Food and Agriculture (GFFA).
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